While we currently serve preschool-aged children, our long term vision is to grow into a full-time PreK-12th grade Islamic school. As we establish a strong foundatio, we look forward to expanding in alignment with our mission and community needs.
The school will begin with a double classroom portable building located at on the backside grass field of Masjid Abul-Qasim. The shed in the back is to be moved. Later, we will In’sha’Allah expand by adding more portables. Each portable houses two classrooms. The final phase involves constructing a two-story building on the grass field of the mosque to house PreK-12th grade.
Phase 1: Launch one portable for Pre-K 1 and 2 (ages 3 and 4)
Phase 2: Expand one grade per year using portables (each portable houses 2 grades)
Phase 3: Build two-story PreK-12 building with indoor gym